We use the Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT) to populate our website and meeting schedules.
You can get to it either by going to the region website and click on the BMLT Meeting Editor link under the Meetings tab.
Or you can bookmark the link and go directly to the site from there. The link is https://bmlt.sezf.org/main_server
You will need credentials to log in, email the webmaster at webadmin@alnwfl.org with the area you are from and your position. If you aren’t an RCM of your area your position will need to be validated prior to you receiving the credentials.
Once logged in:
Here you will see a meeting editor link:
Clicking on it expands into this:
*You can filter by day, meeting start time, group name, zip code, published, or non-published meetings.
Click the Search for Meetings button.
*At the top of the editor you will see yellowed YAP Data please do not remove these they are connected to the phone line.
Click the meeting you need to edit, it will expand to look like this.
The ticked field indicates whether this meeting is active or inactive. If it is not ticked the meeting will not display on the website or the schedules.
Please do not change the World Committee Code. This field is used by na.org to import the changes quarterly.
The Location tab will allow you to input any changes to the address. This field is what Google maps uses to GPS the location.
If the meeting has a specific entrance enter it into the Extra Info field.
Schedule when extra info is entered
Website when extra info is entered
The Format tab allows you to select or un-select the format for that meeting
The Other tab allows you to enter info that pertains to the format of the meeting.
It will display here on the schedules.
It will display here on the website.
Once all changes have been made click the Save Changes the to this Meeting button